Blogging Hiatus

I’ve been terrible about blogging lately. I’ve also been bad about working on my side projects.

Working on a side project often gets me thinking about a blog post idea, and writing about something technical gets me in the mood to work on a side project. This process is very cyclical. For me, it’s just a matter of kick-starting it. I’ve had trouble with that lately.

I keep telling myself, “I’ll get back to it next week.” I hope to improve on both of those soon.

I’ve moved to for my blogging platform. I am also using to post the release notes for Beer Style Guidelines.

I’ve included a handful of technical posts to get me started. I have others, but most were outdated.

I don’t know how much personal stuff I’ll be posting. I plan to post technical (programming) posts more frequently and hope to get into a regular posting cadence. I have some blog posts in mind that I hope to get to soon.

Lofty ambitions, right?

So here I am. Stating publically that I’m going to get back to it soon™. I hope I don’t turn into Homer backing into the bushes when I fail at this. 🤣