Sites Relaunched - 2024 Edition

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. I’m sorry. I’ve neglected the site and blog.

Recently, I decided that I should rework the site and blog. I totally called this in my Moved From Jekyll to Ghost post in 2022. I seem to get the urge to change everything with the site every few years. This is one of those times.

My last big blog move was from Jekyll to Ghost. This time, I’m going the other way. I’m moving back to Jekyll from Ghost.


I like the Ghost platform. I was paying for hosting from DigitalPress. They are a great hosting company. The thing is, I just wasn’t using the service enough to justify the monthly cost. It wasn’t expensive, but it does cost something.

I can host the blog and site for free from Netlify. The sites are deployed from GitHub, where I host the code for both sites.

I keep saying sites. Technically, there are two sites. There’s the blog and the rest of it. When I started this latest rework, I wasn’t going to include the blog at all. So I made the rest of the site without the blog. Then I thought I should include the blog again, just in case I wanted to start writing blogging more.

The site ( is a static html site. I used HTML and Bootstrap to create the site. The code is available on GitHub. The site is hosted on Netlify. I created this first. I had it launched for a week or two before deciding to re-add the blog.

The blog ( uses Jekyll to generate the site. I created my own “theme” here that roughly matches the rest of the site. This code for the blog is also available on GitHub.

I have my old RSS URLs redirect to the new RSS URL. I did not however redirect all of the old posts. That was going to be a lot of work that I’m not really interested in doing. The blog is mostly for me anyway. I don’t think anyone is reading it.

Where’d the older posts go?

I originally imported all of the posts from Ghost. As I was cleaning up some of the old posts, I realized they were outdated. A lot of the non-technical ones didn’t need to be here anymore. So as this post was published, I removed those older posts.

I’ll likely hold onto a lot of the personal posts for about a year and then remove them. I plan on keeping the technical posts around for longer (or forever), I haven’t really decided yet.

If you really want to get to those older posts, you can find them (with some work) in the GitHub repository.

So, what’s next?

What’s next? I dunno. This may be it. Or I may decide to start writing blogging again.
