February 20, 2025
I’ve been terrible about blogging lately. I’ve also been bad about working on my side projects.
Working on a side project often gets me thinking about a blog post idea, and writing about something technical gets me in the mood to work on a side project. This process is very cyclical. For me, it’s just a matter of kick-starting it. I’ve had trouble with that lately.
I keep telling myself, “I’ll get back to it next week.” I hope to improve on both of those soon.
I’ve moved to Micro.blog for my blogging platform. I am also using Micro.blog to post the release notes for Beer Style Guidelines.
I’ve included a handful of technical posts to get me started. I have others, but most were outdated.
I don’t know how much personal stuff I’ll be posting. I plan to post technical (programming) posts more frequently and hope to get into a regular posting cadence. I have some blog posts in mind that I hope to get to soon.
Lofty ambitions, right?
So here I am. Stating publically that I’m going to get back to it soon™. I hope I don’t turn into Homer backing into the bushes when I fail at this. 🤣
February 3, 2023
I’m still looking for a new project to work on. Previously, I had mentioned that I built a Podcast Downloader. That project will (still) likely never see the light of day.
I’ve also been working on something else. This is a replica of Apple’s Stopwatch functionality in the Clock app. This project has been open-sourced on my Github account. You can view the project here.
It’s not a complete replica of the stopwatch functionality. I only implemented the digital version and not the analog version. I’m not sure I have the patience to attempt to implement the analog version. I also didn’t implement the iPad or macOS versions of the stopwatch. I only focused on the iPhone version.
Why did I do this? I did this so I can continue to improve as a software engineer.
I don’t get as much time to write code anymore. At least not as much as I want to. Even at my day job, I spend more time not writing code. I like to believe that projects like this keep me from getting rusty.
As I’ve said, I don’t currently have a personal project to work on. So something like this helps me to continue to learn new technologies and stay current.
Development Process
This project was developed over roughly two weeks. I only worked on it for roughly an hour a night and not every night.
The project has been sitting untouched for a few weeks on my laptop. I wasn’t sure if I was going to post it at all. I finally decided to post it.
The project wasn’t code-reviewed or tested too rigorously for issues. It probably isn’t my best work. It also isn’t my worst work. Overall, I’m happy with how it turned out.
The project is written in Swift, SwiftUI, and Combine and uses an MVVM-like architecture. I am still learning each of these technologies and approaches.
I’ve been using Swift since it was announced at WWDC in 2014. I haven’t written much in Objective-C in a few years. Swift is the way to go.
Even though I have been using Swift for years, I still have a lot to learn. I didn’t learn anything new with Swift in this project. Instead, I focused on learning more about the next two technologies.
I’m still new to SwiftUI. I’ve used it here and there in the past. However, I’ve never built an entire app using SwiftUI. This is a first for me.
This app is simple, but I’ve learned valuable lessons from what I have done.
At work, we’ve been slowly writing new features using SwiftUI. I think the code I wrote here will help at work.
I’ve been interested in Combine since it was announced. At the time, I had started using Combine for simple things, like dealing with notifications from NotificationCenter.
We use Combine (and RxSwift) heavily at work. It took me a while to start learning the concepts. I still need to occasionally look at guides on Combine. Any extra experience I can get with Combine (and reactive programming) is welcome to me.
I’ve come a long way with my Combine knowledge in the last few years. But I have so much more to learn.
I have always been an advocate for unit testing. The problem is that unit testing is always the last on my mind when developing. I love the idea of having unit tests, I’m just not very dedicated to writing them.
I’m trying to do a better job of that, including this project. I probably don’t need any unit tests for something like this. The entire project is an experiment. But I need to start somewhere. So, I included unit testing.
I could improve the unit testing in many ways. I could probably use something like ViewInspector to test the SwiftUI views.
I should also provide a deterministic way to test the display strings that are generated by the StopwatchViewModel
class while the timer is running. Instead of hard-coding the .main
RunLoop in this method:
private func startTimer() {
timerCancellable = Timer
.publish(every: 0.01, on: .main, in: .common)
.sink { [self] newDate in
let difference = (date ?? .now).distance(to: newDate)
date = newDate
overallInterval += difference
currentLapInterval += difference
I could start the timer, stop it, and ensure the value is not the default display string value of “00:00.00”, but that’s not a great test. Ideally, I would advance the timer at different intervals and test the results.
I wonder if Point-Free’s Combine Schedulers Publishers.Timer would work here. This approach would allow using any scheduler (including their TestScheduler) instead of RunLoop
. This would allow me to advance the schedule as I desired and make the tests more deterministic.
I didn’t use this approach only because I didn’t want to depend on external libraries for this project. It was initially a thought experiment. If I would ever want to make this a full-scale app, I would investigate using Publishers.Timer
The coverage on the app is decent. It’s at about 78%. It could be better. I think if I were using a testing framework like ViewInspector, I could test the SwiftUI views and get better coverage.
I’m happy with how this turned out. I didn’t spend a crazy amount of time on it. I don’t have a lot of time each night to write code. Often, I don’t get any time at night to write code.
This was a fun little experiment.
April 30, 2021
This is the final post in a series on adding UIKeyCommands (keyboard shortcuts) to an iOS app. In this post, we’ll cover how to add menu bar items to a macOS Catalyst app using UIKeyCommands.
This will not be a full tutorial on how to add menu items to macOS Catalyst apps. Instead, this post will demonstrate that you can use the same keyboard shortcuts created in part two and create menu items.
In macOS Catalyst apps, your UIApplicationDelegate
class (usually AppDelegate
) will configure the menu bar. This is handled in the func buildMenu(with builder: UIMenuBuilder)
method (documentation). In this method, you can add and remove menu items and sub menu items.
You can download the corresponding sample app here (the branch is part-3-catalyst
). I slightly refactored the code that creates the UIKeyCommand to be a class level variable on the two view controllers. They can now be easily accessed like: TableViewController.showTableAlert
Use the existing UIKeyCommand objects in a UIMenu initializer and then added to the builder object in the buildMenu
method (from above) like this:
let menu = UIMenu(title: "Show",
identifier: .show,
options: .displayInline,
children: [TableViewController.showTableAlert,
builder.insertChild(menu, atStartOfMenu: .file)
This little block of code adds the “Show Table” and “Show Detail” menu items. When you run the app, it will look like this.
That’s it. That’s really all there is to it to take existing keyboard shortcuts and add them to a macOS Catalyst app as menu items.
UIKeyCommand object are incredibly versatile in the situations we’ve gone over in this series. They can be added to both simple and more complex apps. They can also be used in macOS Catalyst apps to provide menu bar items.
Other Posts in the Series
Part 1 • Part 2
April 28, 2021
In the first post in this UIKeyCommands series, we went over the basics of UIKeyCommands and adding keyboard shortcuts to an app. Adding keyboard shortcuts to a real app can be a little more complicated, but not much.
First, some background
My latest update of Beer Style Guidelines has these keyboard shortcuts reenabled. A long time ago, I had keyboard shortcuts enabled within the app. At that time, I didn’t have a clear understanding of how they worked. This lack of understanding meant that the keyboard shortcuts didn’t quite work the way I expected them to (or at all sometimes).
I became frustrated with my lack of understanding and I just disabled the keyboard shortcuts. I didn’t have a lot of time to investigate and figure out what was wrong. But I was determined to figure it out. Recently, I had purchased an iPad Air (4th Generation) and an Apple Magic Keyboard. This gave me the kick in the butt to get the keyboard shortcuts working again.
Getting the keyboard shortcuts working wasn’t a lot of work. I just lacked an understanding of how to put it all together. I hope to impart some of that wisdom in this post.
Beer Style Guidelines has a Split View Controller view architecture.
In my first iteration of keyboard shortcuts, I had two or three commands. They were all triggered from the Detail View Controller (the large part of the screen). I wanted to add more keyboard shortcuts, but I was paralyzed with not knowing how to proceed.
Ok. So, what was holding me up? I wasn’t sure which view controller in the app I needed to implement the keyboard command. Did I need to add them all to my Split View Controller class? Did I need to implement the commands in one view controller or the other, based on a user’s focus?
I started by adding the commands to the split view controller class. But it turns out that isn’t the correct answer. The correct answer is that you implement the keyboard commands wherever you need them, and let the Responder Chain take care of the rest.
Responder Chain? What?
In iOS, there is this thing called the responder chain. The responder chain is how iOS (and UIKit) determine how to handle events. This chain starts with the first responder and then traverses the rest of the chain looking to handle the event. In the case of UIKeyCommands, UIKit will traverse the responder chain and collect the UIKeyCommands for the current scenario.
This WWDC video (Support hardware keyboards in your app) does a fantastic job of explaining all of this. It’s also super short. I only discovered the video after I figured out how this works.
You may have noticed that the UIApplicationDelegate
class (usually called AppDelegate) is a subclass of UIResponder
. What you may not have noticed is that all UIViewControllers
and even UIViews
subclass UIResponder
Back to UIKeyCommand
Getting back to where to implement the keyboard shortcuts. I ended up implementing the keyboard shortcuts for the list view (search, change guide, etc), in the list view controller. The keyboard shortcuts used in the detail view controller (like toggle favorite, next/previous section, etc) were implemented there.
Like in part one, I’ve created a sample app to put this into practice. This sample app uses a Split View Controller and implements keyboard shortcuts where it makes sense. The sample app only has a few keyboard shortcuts.
The list view controller has two keyboard shortcuts and so does the detail view controller.
You may notice something strange about these keyboard shortcuts. Both have the “Show Info” keyboard shortcut. I did this as a test more than anything. I wanted to see what would happen if there are duplicate keyboard shortcuts. Likewise, I also wanted to see where this was called from when triggered. I discovered that found that the keyboard shortcut in the detail view controller usually wins. I think that’s because it’s the first responder in the chain that responds to this command.
This may feel a bit overwhelming. But it’s not very difficult. The sample app should give you a better idea of how easy it is to implement keyboard shortcuts in a split view controller.
There’s one more post in this series. Next time, we’ll stray away from iOS slightly to use UIKeyCommands to add menu items to a macOS Catalyst app.
Other Posts in the Series
Part 1 • Part 3
April 23, 2021
This post is the first in a series of three on UIKeyCommands on iOS. In this first post, we’ll go over UIKeyCommand
at a high level.
What are UIKeyCommands?
UIKeyCommands represent a key press (or combination of key presses) on a hardware keyboard that will trigger an action. In short, you can think of these as keyboard shortcuts. The system already has a few built-in keyboard shortcuts. Some of these are keyboard shortcuts are Cut (⌘ + x), Copy (⌘ + c), and Paste (⌘ + v).
Beginning in iOS 7, Apple started allowing developers to implement keyboard shortcuts. The system already handles Cut, Copy and Paste and developers won’t need to implement these.
These keyboard shortcuts have been around for a few years. So, it’s easy to see how other developers have implemented these. A great way to discover what keyboard shortcuts apps have is to launch the app, and then hold down the command (⌘) key. Here’s an example from my app Beer Style Guidelines.
How do I implement my own UIKeyCommand?
There are two parts to implement UIKeyCommands in your app. First, is the UIKeyCommand
object itself. Then these UIKeyCommands need to be integrated into the app.
The initializer for UIKeyCommand has a lot going on. You don’t need to use every parameter. Here are the minimum parameters to create a UIKeyCommand object. Those parameters are:
: This is the display title of the keyboard shortcut.
: This parameter points to the method that gets called from this shortcut.
: This is the keyboard key (a string) that is part of the keyboard shortcut. For example, the “c” in the Copy shortcut (⌘ + c)
: This is the modifying key that is the other part of the keyboard shortcut. For example, the “⌘” in the Copy shortcut (⌘ + c)
Putting all of this together, you can create a keyboard shortcut like this:
let infoCommand = UIKeyCommand(title: "Show Info",
action: #selector(showInfo),
input: "i",
modifierFlags: .command)
In this example, the user will trigger a keyboard shortcut to show info when they use ⌘ + i. This will show them an iOS alert with a simple message in it.
I’ve created a sample app that pulls all the various pieces together. The sample app, is simple. It has a single keyboard shortcut. You can discover this just like keyboard shortcuts in other iOS apps.
Download and run the sample app. Once launched, hold down on the Command key (⌘) until you see the prompt showing the single keyboard shortcut within the app.
Testing in the simulator.
If nothing shows up, and you’re testing this in the simulator, you may need to enable “Send Keyboard Input to Device” in the simulator. This can be done through the menu system by selecting I/O → Input → Send Keyboard Input to Device. Or, you can click on this button in the toolbar (below) of the simulator. Without doing this, sometimes the keyboard shortcuts can be lost, and it will seem like the keyboard shortcuts are not working.
That’s it. Keyboard shortcuts are straightforward to set up and get working in your apps. Next time we’ll get a little more in-depth on UIKeyCommand.
Other Posts in the Series
Part 2 • Part 3
June 29, 2016
I’ll be honest. I didn’t know that Labeled Statements were a thing (let alone in Swift) until a few days ago. I discovered them while reading Pro Swift by Paul Hudson for the Philly CocoaHeads Book Club.
Labeled statements allow developers to label control statements. Here’s what a for loop would look like with a label:
fancyLabel: for each in array {
An if statement with a label looks very similar.
anotherLabel: if known == test {
Lastly, a switch statement looks like this:
switchLabel: switch(myEnum) {
As you can see the syntax for a label is label followed by a colon (:) and then the statement as normal.
Ok. So, what can I do with this?
These can be thought of as glorified goto statements. You can use continue or break statements to change the control flow to a labeled statement or break out of a labeled statement.
This can be handy for breaking out of nested loops. Typically, breaking from a nested loop will only break out of the nested loop. Control will remain in any outer loops. By adding a label to the outer loop, you can effectively goto or break from that outer loop.
Here are two examples.
A nested for loop using continue:
fancyLabel: for each in array {
for eachSubItem in subArray {
switch statement {
case one:
continue fancyLabel
Here’s an example of break being called in a nested for loop:
fancyLabel: for each in array {
for eachSubItem in subArray {
if statement {
break fancyLabel
If you have a complex method that contains nested for loops, a labeled statement will allow you to break from an outer loop and continue on with execution of the method.
Paul had some nice examples in the book. I’m not going to re-publish those here. Instead, I’ve come up with my own poor/contrived example here:
func findNeedle() -> Coordinates {
var x: Int = 0, y:Int = 0
searchHaystack: for row in haystack {
for each in row {
if each == needle {
break searchHaystack
y += 1
x += 1
y = 0
return (x, y)
This example will loop through a associated array looking for a value. When it finds the ‘needle’, it will exit out of the nested for loops and continue on with the method.
This is a really simple example on how to use labeled statements. I’ve tried to think of a better example, but nothing really felt good. I feel like the examples I come up with could be written better without the labeled statement at all.
I don’t think these will be entirely useful in practice. In essence they are glorified goto statements and using them feels like a bad code smell to me. If you need to use them, you can probably refactor your code to avoid them. But it’s nice to know that they exist.
March 25, 2016
I wrote my first post covering the Fibonacci Sequence two years ago in April 2014. The original post was written with Objective-C sample code and only considered one possible solution. A few months later, to my surprise, Apple had a session at WWDC called Advanced Swift which covered some of the approaches used below. I thought this would be a great time to provide an update to the original post but with a bit more detail.
The Fibonacci sequence is a special sequence of numbers. The first two numbers are 0 and 1. The numbers in the sequence after that build on these first two numbers. The pattern is the next number in the sequence is the sum of the two previous numbers.
The Fibonacci sequence begins like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc…
A few years ago I was interviewing at multiple companies. One interviewer asked me how I would generate a Fibonacci number at a given index.
For example: Given 0: return 0; Given 1: return 1; Given 2: return 1; … Given 20: return 6765.
I started by writing a method that would solve the problem through brute force using recursion, but it wasn’t really what the interviewer was looking for. I fumbled through the question and didn’t get an offer from that company.
Let’s take a look at what I was trying to do during this interview.
The code would look something like this in Swift:
Look at how many times that method is called for a relatively small index (20). 21,891 times! That’s not really a good way to do it.
I then took it one step further. I had it calculate the first 29 Fibonacci numbers. This process resulted in the recursive method being called 2,692,507 times, which took about 8 minutes (in Xcode Playgrounds). That’s just not scalable. Let’s try another approach.
During the interview, I had thought that we could cache some of the results. This would allow us to access Fibonacci numbers that had been generated much faster. I wasn’t aware at the time that this technique is called memoization.
This technique will help optimize the calls once a result has been generated. Since this is a recursive approach which depends on previous calculations, this approach is much more efficient. Let’s look.
I tweaked the code in our recursion example to include memoization. You can see that the code isn’t that much more complex. The caching was easy enough to add. The bonus here is that if we call fibanocciaAtIndex
for a given index more than once, the answer is immediately returned.
This time when I calculated the same relatively small index (20), the call count is much smaller, only 21 times.
I then had it calculate the first 29 Fibonacci numbers. The results were calculated much faster and with fewer calls. This is a huge improvement over the pure recursive approach.
Is there another approach? One where you don’t need recursion? Of course there is. I didn’t figure out this approach until well after that interview, which prompted the original blog post.
I did more research into the Fibonacci Sequence and discovered that you can calculate these numbers using the Golden ratio.
The Golden ratio is defined mathematically as:
Or φ ≅ 1.618034…
It turns out you can use the Golden ratio to calculate numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. This is Binet’s Fibonacci number formula:
This is a much cleaner approach to the original recursive approach above. Instead of dealing with recursion, which can be tricky, this is a straightforward method to calculating Fibonacci numbers.
Here’s what that looks like in code:
Large Numbers
In my original post, I had some thoughts about how to handle larger numbers. Unfortunately, I never made any progress there. I think once I posted the original blog post, I lost interest in dealing with really large numbers. There are a few interesting projects like OSXGMP and BigInteger that may work here. I’m including them for reference, in case you’re interested in larger numbers.
There are probably other ways to figure out a Fibonacci number at a given index. I’ve gone through three methods above. I wouldn’t recommend the first approach. Recursion with memoization is probably the cleanest of the approaches and doesn’t require a lot of math.
Just for fun, I’ve put these code samples up of GitHub. The project includes both Swift examples (in Xcode Playgrounds) and Objective-C examples (written using CodeRunner 2). Feel free to get them and play with them.
GitHub Repo: rwgrier/fibonacci-sequence
Thanks to Keith Elliott
March 15, 2016
Swift 2.0 included a number of new language statements. I recently wrote about the [Swift Guard Statement]({%post_url /2016/2016-03-08-swift-guard-statement %}). Defer is another statement new to Swift 2.0. Honestly, I don’t use defer as much as guard, but it can be extremely useful.
What defer does is not obvious at first. Defer will wait to execute a block of code until the current scope (loop, method, etc) is exiting. And it will execute that code whether the scope is exiting cleanly, from a guard, or while an error is being thrown.
Here’s the most basic of examples. The defer block exists before the main body of the code, but it’s not called until afterwards.
func simpleDefer() {
defer {
print("Main body of the function.")
This can be useful if, for example, there are resources you need to ensure are cleaned up before leaving the current scope.
You don’t need to limit yourself to a single defer statement. You can use multiple defer statements. When more than one are included, they will be called in reverse order. Think of them being included on a stack and popping them off one at a time.
Here’s a simple example of multiple defer blocks. You can see that the order they are defined and the order they are called is reversed.
func multipleDefer() {
defer {
defer {
As I’ve stated above, the defer statement isn’t just limited to exiting from methods. You can include them in loops. Look at this example. Everytime the loop is executed, the defer block is called at the end of each loop.
func simpleLoopDefer() {
var multiplier: Int = 1
for i in 0..<5 {
defer {
print("loop count: \(i); multiplier: \(multiplier)")
multiplier += multiplier * i
If you’re coming from the world of Objective-C or Java, you can approximate the defer statement with a finally block from a throw statement. The syntax is a little different and in Objective-C and Java, you aren’t allowed to have multiple finally blocks. Here’s a Swift example of a defer block being used like a finally block.
func throwsDefer() {
defer {
print("clean up from error and non-error states")
do {
try methodThatCanThrowError()
catch {
print("Why??? What did I do??")
There is a caveat to using the defer statement. In a defer code block, you cannot transfer control outside of the current scope. You can’t call “return” out of a function, or “continue” out of a loop.
I believe that defer is one of the lesser used statements in Swift. I don’t think it will be used as often as guard. I could probably utilize defer more than I currently am. But it can be useful, so check it out.
GitHub Repo: rwgrier/swift-defer
March 7, 2016
Swift 2.0 added the guard statement to the language. Guard is not new with Swift, it’s been around for a while in other programming languages, such as Haskell and Erlang.
Guard statements are very simple and effective. They ensure the check you are performing is true before continuing on. If the result of that check is false the else statement executes, which usually exits a function.
Here’s a very simple example:
func submitForm() {
guard (validationResults == .valid) else {
// Build form request and submit.
All this does is check the hasValidData variable to see if it’s true. If not, the function exists. This can easily be done with an if statement, like this:
func submitForm() {
if (validationResults != .valid) {
// Build form request and submit.
Here’s a less simple example. I can’t say more complex, because it’s slightly contrived just to give a taste of how this could go. The guard statement does a few things here. It checks the optional (UITextField.text property) for a value, unwraps it and assigns it locally. If that check fails, the validation fails and the method exits gracefully.
func validateFormGuard() {
guard let username = usernameField.text, let password = passwordField.text else {
guard username.lengthOfBytes(using: String.Encoding.utf8) > 3 else {
validationResults = .invalidUsername
guard password.lengthOfBytes(using: String.Encoding.utf8) > 3 else {
validationResults = .invalidPassword
guard usernameExists(username) else {
validationResults = .usernameExists
validationResults = .valid
This could also be done with if statements:
func validateFormIfs() {
if let username = usernameField.text, let password = passwordField.text {
if username.lengthOfBytes(using: String.Encoding.utf8) > 3 {
if password.lengthOfBytes(using: String.Encoding.utf8) > 3 {
if !usernameExists(username) {
validationResults = .valid
else {
validationResults = .usernameExists
else {
validationResults = .invalidPassword
else {
validationResults = .invalidUsername
If you are checking a lot of properties and conditionals, the if statements can become more nested and can get into a Pyramid of Doom scenario. The guard statement cleans this up and gives you more readable code.
Guard statements aren’t just for easy function exits. You can use them in loops, where if you don’t meet the conditional, proceed onto the next item in the loop (using continue instead of return).
Guard is an extremely useful mechanism in Swift. It allows you to clean up your code. If you’re writing code in Swift, check them out.
GitHub Repo: rwgrier/swift-guard